JigNect | Software Testing CompanyExamples of SOLID Principles in Test AutomationIntroductionMar 14, 20241Mar 14, 20241
Kostiantyn TeltovSDET: SOLID principle examples in Test Automation solutionsGreetings,Apr 11, 20233Apr 11, 20233
Biswajit PattanayakSingle Responsibility Principle in Test AutomationIf you have used selenium for your browser automation, there is a chance that you would have used Page Object Model to write a maintainable…Mar 15, 20211Mar 15, 20211
InJavarevisitedbyLakmali BandaraFactory Pattern For Test AutomationFist of all We should know what/Why is a designing pattern (Please refer the link for more understanding — pending ). And we should know…Apr 20, 20202Apr 20, 20202
InGlobantbyQueet PorwalFacade Design Pattern — Automation TestingWhat are design patterns:Nov 19, 20214Nov 19, 20214