Reminder to keep believing in yourself

Shiv Jirwankar
2 min readNov 20, 2022

I was scrolling through my mobile and happened to watch some snippets of Shah Rukh Khan’s latest interview. I always look forward to listening to his interviews whenever it comes out. He is an excellent speaker and has got an amazing aura around him. Plus, he shares some life lessons in some of his interviews which are a treat to the ears.

During one of his interviews, he spoke about another motivational story. The interviewer asked him about how nervous he is as his three films are in the release pipeline. He replied, ‘I don't think I should be nervous about my films getting released, in fact, I am very much sure that they all will be super-hit.’

Ahh, too much arrogance and overweening here. But this was not the case, he continued speaking and tried to justify his statement there. He said, ‘That’s the belief I sleep with, that’s the belief I wake up with. That’s the belief that makes me at the age of fifty-seven do stunts and work eighteen hours a day. If I don’t have that belief in my work which people will love, I am not gonna able to do it.’

Wow, that’s quite a statement, isn’t it? So here’s a reminder for everyone. Keep believing in whatever good you are doing even when the tide is flowing against us. Even in difficult times, let's keep believing in our hard work and sincerity. More power to you all.

Here’s the link to the interview if anyone wants to listen.

